Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Post Oprah

Thanks to the hockey game on Tuesday night, I did not watch the Tuesday show for Oprah. Though I did tape it. In fact, on 2 different channels just in case one didn't work out! (Go Canucks Go!!!)

So tonight, I watched the Tuesday show and the final Oprah show back to back today. Oh, I was so ready to watch it but sad as I knew it would be it. I never really realized how long I had followed Oprah. I would say it was 17 years. That's a long time to be following anybody, let alone a show!

The Tuesday show was better than the Monday show! I loved all the suprises. I was laughing and crying throughout the show. And seriously, if I can barely hold it in, I have no idea how Oprah kept it in for national television. Holy smokes! She's a veteran.

And the final show...oh, what can I say?! What a lovely wrap up! So gracious and her messages all so perfect. And as she walked out of the studio, I thought back to my 2 trips to see her. The joy of being in that studio, seeing the amazing photos that line the hallways, to remember the buzz and giddiness of people there, the staff members that I encountered, the Oprah store, seeing her in action and shaking her hand. I know that not everybody is a lover of Oprah. But I loved her and her spirit.

That Empty Oprah syndrome? Yeah, I'm suffering from it....

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