Friday, May 13, 2011

Portland - Day 4

Well, final day of the trip and time to head back home. It's always a little sad when a trip is coming to an end, but I was looking forward to seeing my family.

Before we headed off, we had to of course enjoy the free breakfast. And once again, to our delight, the menu had changed! Woo hoo! I even ventured off to the oatmeal bar. Very nice!

Thank goodness we filled up our tummies as we needed to haul all our goods down to a car. Holy smokes! We filled the trunk...completely. Every square inch. We also filled up one of the back passenger seats with all the goods we bought. But there was no way I was leaving the states without my goodies! That was a workout and I'm sure I burned off some of that oatmeal.....

K wanted to try at the local mall to get some See's candy. But when we got there, it was quiet. Only Sears was open...the rest of the mall was closed due to Easter! Dang. They take that holiday seriously out there! We were just thankful that we got all our shopping done. OMG. I'd be so upset if we went just to shop only to find everything was closed!

The ride home was smooth. No accidents! Thank goodness. We even had time to stop off at a burger joint for lunch, do some grocery shopping and a last stop for cheap gas. Border wait home was only about 20 minutes. And before I knew it, I was at home!

My kids and husband were happy to see me. Though my kids kindly reminded me that they were happy I was gone considering they got McDonald's...everyday. Feel the love.

So, all in all, an awesome trip. Seriously, us 3 peeps are similar in some ways, but our temperaments are quite different. As K said many times on the trip, it really is a testament to the friendship because not everybody could handle these types of personalities together or our styles in travelling. Considering that K and T are "soulmates," I was honoured to go on another road trip with them. Sometimes BFFs travelling together are not so welcoming of a 3rd person and really, 3 is a crowd...but it worked out well.

It really was a great time...getting a chance to chat freely about everything and anything was awesome. OMG. And the giggles and guffaws. There were so many funny moments and conversations! Good food, great shopping, no tax. I can even laugh about mullet man now!

Thank you to K and T for being my guest bloggers...really, you two should do it more often on here. =) Thank you for being awesome travel buddies.

Until our next trip!

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