Friday, September 3, 2010


Yep, I watch Shaq vs. I'm not too shy to even admit it. They have some neat little contests between Shaquille O'Neal and whoever else. One night it was Penn and Teller. One night it was that Bieber kid. One night, Shaq was boxing. He just gets into these ridiculous contests and basically, he tries to win.

So I watched it last night and he had 2 competitions. One was a hot dog eating contest with the champion hot dog eaters. Craziness. The second competition was with Charles Barclay. Now, I've watched Shaq and Charles mock each other before. But this was taking mocking to the next level. They were totally killing it with their shots. It was awesome.

That of course made me think of my friend, Miss K. I swear, she is the only person in the world that can mock me mercilessly...and I just sit there, laugh and take it all in. Seriously, anybody else in this world who mocks me like her would have a black eye as I'd punch them. But no, this gal must be slipping something into my tofu shirataki noodles, because I don't have an issue with her mocking. And she mocks me on everything that I love...EVERYTHING. From the Olympics, to my taiko drumming, to my love of Korean ribs, etc...that girl has no shame and will take me down on any topic.

I have to keep watching this show...I might learn a couple of zingers that I can fire back!


jorge w. said...

ha ha, try living with the mocking for your whole life cuz you're married to her! she mocks my driving, my tv shows, my undeniable god-like good-looks.....

what are "shit-ty-take noodles"?

k said...

they call me... Da Wet Blanket!! or ms. rain-on-your-parade!!

tam said...

thems there tru words, homeslice.

The Real Tam Tam said...

WFH...i would never talk like that...homeslice....?? LOL

Peachy said...

Jorge, my mexican friend, you love K. And you couldn't live without a good mocking. Nobody does it better than K.

YO Tam Tam, homeslice...that's rich. And of course that's not you!! You'd say WORD....