Monday, September 27, 2010


Everybody talks about how the tech jobs are the jobs to have these days. Well true to some extent. I just think about all the computer problems I give to my husband. But that type of work isn't for everybody.

Dream job, I'd be an astronaut. SWEET. And stop calling me a space cadet already.

Daytime job, what I'm doing is pretty darn good. Though I'd like to organize for some big money company one day. Big rewards.

Job I'd hate to have, anything to do with bugs. That kind of stuff grosses me out. Today I saw some big ass cockroach...I screamed, I used my kid's boot to trample the crap out of it. Even when the guts were gushed out, I still kept hitting like I had to kill it 6 times over.

So techie stuff, yeah, I'll stick with the playing with new gadgets. They don't need someone like me trying to fix stuff.

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