Monday, September 6, 2010

Eat, Pray, Love

Yes, I finally watched it. It only took me about a month, but I finally went. I pretty much knew that the movie wasn't going to be as good as the book. But for a chick flick, it worked for me.

I wanted to go for a number of reasons. One, how did it compare to the book? Secondly, was Julia Roberts any good in this movie? I always think she's a bit of a one act deal. Last but not least, I wanted to check out the scenery of the 3 different places she went to as I've been to 2 of them.

Yep, it took the good pieces out of the book. But not a lot of depth. That's fine. It was a good Coles notes version of the movie.

As for Julia Roberts, for once, I actually liked her acting. I didn't love her. And it was almost different enough from her other acting. And maybe I was willing to like her as I really enjoyed the book.

The scenery in the movie was great! I loved the panoramic shots. I especially loved the shots of places that I visited as it brought back many good memories for me. There were a couple of shots that totally reminded me of my trip with my husband to Rome. The food shots were awesome as the food there really is so beautiful. The city scape is something to awe at. The Tuscan country shots made me long for quietness and tranquility.

Though, I do have to admit, there was once scene of Bali that did not bring back great memories...though it is funny to think back on. There was a shot of a monkey on a branch sitting there, people watching and eating. Seeing a monkey doesn't usually bring about bad memories. But when I was in Bali in the monkey forest, one of those damn monkeys saw something in my hand that was food. The damn thing basically jumped from its branch onto my head and attacked me making me scream like a banshee. One of the local tour guides took off her slipper and just slapped the monkey away. For her, it was a regular day. For me, it was somewhat horrifying. I'm glad I went to that damn monkey forest, but I won't be going back anytime soon. I swear, the monkey in the movie was looking at me...and mocking me. It's probably the same damn monkey.

I just wish that I had gone to Bali after reading this book. However, it wasn't an option as the book was written well after I returned from Bali. But I do wish that I had met Ketut. Who knows what he would have told me?

So, a nice afternoon spent by myself watching a chick flick, and getting a break that I desperately needed.


G said...

you know what is bad about that movie? the lead actress, julia roberts. and the supporting actors. and the directors...producer, lighting manager, caterer, production assistants, make-up artists, writers, stuntmen, and worst of all, people who pay to watch the show!! aaaaaaaargh!!

Peachy said...

Don't be a hater G! You love that I love that you can mock me.