Monday, September 20, 2010

Perfect Moms

Oh, the perfect moms!!! Hey, I hate to tell you, they don't exist!! I'm sure I've broken and violated some sacred "Mom" law. But it's true. And the more society and us moms can accept this, I honestly think that this world will be slightly better.

I get that moms want to be perfect, but it's just not possible. With all the pressures of work/staying at home to take care of children, the demands of everybody and I mean everybody, being a chauffeur, organizing all the activities, packing all the lunches, and everything else that needs done...moms can't do it all. Really. I know it looks like we can sometimes, but we are only human too. And sometimes, we do break, lose it and cry our little eyes out, and sometimes, we just flip out on the ones we love the most.

And that's why I only hang out with certain moms. The ones that want to think they are perfect are always competing. And healthy competition is ok. But with motherhood, it's tough enough and you want as many allies as possible. Strength in numbers and it's true when it takes a whole village to take care of those little ones. And sometimes, I think it's these "perfect moms" that have the issue. Why do they need to portray that out there?

I choose to spend my time with moms who have dealt with it all, can honestly say that they have screamed at their kids, can talk about their darkest days of parenting, been so scared about what they've done, and had barf all over them. Those are the real moms. Those are the ones that will understand when you're breaking and need some help. Those are the ones that can laugh at their imperfections. Those are the best allies you can find in parenthood.


K said...

here, here!!

T said...

i second that motion!! fully.