Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I find it very funny how some things unite us. Today, I talked to a co-worker that I hadn't seen in weeks as she was on holidays, then I was on holidays...and we basically kept missing each other.

Anyways, I asked her what she did on her holidays. She said a couple of things...and then she mentioned her sister. Me, being nosey as hell, decided to probe a little further. She had taken 3 weeks off as her sister had breast cancer. Her sister was staying with her while she recovered from a double masectomy. They were going to do further surgery as it looked like the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes. For goodness sake, the woman is only 38 and with 2 kids.

I tried to comfort her in letting her know that my husband had cancer and I understand the emotional drain. I hoped that she was taking care of herself while taking care of her sister. I know the fears she is encountering. Though there are differences in treatment, to me, cancer is cancer. A disease is a disease. Doesn't matter...it's draining and anxiety ridden for all those involved.

Now, I'm not particularly close to this co-worker, but having had this conversation, it gave me an opportunity to understand her as a person, to be more sympathetic to what she is going through at this time, and to offer support where needed. I know how important that support was to me when my husband was recovering...I hope that I can offer some of that to her and to others that need it.

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