Wednesday, September 23, 2009


I'm a bit of an organized freak. I know that looking inside my house you would never think that. But I like planning things. It's fun. And when you have others helping you, even better.

My one co-worker and I are thinking of taking our kids to Disneyland around the same time. But we're trying to be somewhat frugal about it too. A great idea we got from a friend was that instead of buying the glow sticks at the park, you buy a crapload of them at home for a buck and just tell the kids you got it there. Mine are young enough to believe that stuff. That alone is going to save me a ton of dollars!

So, my one co-worker and I are sharing tips, going on the internet to find deals and hints. Some things like looking up hotels near Disneyland will have to be done at a closer time. But there are so many things to look up now.

However, I think most of my plans will go out the window as it sounds like my husband wants to stay at the resort. It's going to be a while before we go...but I can't wait!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was just at Disneyland yesterday after about eight years! Good times =P