Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First day of School

Well, today was the first day of my one kid going to Grade 1. It was a good day. She was excited to see friends, to see a school she loves and to learn. I love that! Having a kid excited to learn is half the battle. And as exciting as today was, I was actually somewhat annoyed at the US school system today.

I didn't realize until last week that President Obama was going to do a Presidential speech to all children in the US today. However, many parents were up in arms and upset to the 10th degree because they thought that the President would use the platform to forward his political agenda. Hmmmm. What President in history has done so? Isn't it usually a feel good message of doing well in school, the future is yours for the taking, we are Americans and therefore we need to educate ourselves, blah, blah, blah?

I couldn't believe that some folks that I knew were dead set against hearing the President. They wanted the school to pre-screen or not to show the speech at all.
Everybody is entitled to their opinion but I do not share that thought.

I did hear one mother say that the kids should listen to the speech and make up their own minds. I agree. And what did the kids focus on? They focussed on how motivating the speech was, how they think the President really spoke to them to do well for their country and for themselves. I highly doubt a President would be stupid enough to give out some government dogma during one of these events. It would hurt him too much.

But if we want to teach our children about politics and making an informed decision on who to vote for, what issues are important, etc., I think moments like these are great. I'd like to ask, for all those that said no to the President's speech, would it be ok to have religion televised to all students in public schools? Don't make me even go there....

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