Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Phone Calls

In such a busy time, busy place, busy life, we sometimes forget to just keep in touch. With e-mail, facebook, twitter, etc., it makes it a little easier. But nothing replaces the human voice or an actual phone call.

You never know what you're going to hear on the other end. Perhaps great news you didn't expect or maybe terrible news. Something suprising or just odd. And sometimes, it's a just a call to let the other person know you're thinking of them.

I've been thinking about a special friend in my life and glad I picked up the phone today. No, her news wasn't great, but she is sure one tough cookie. And her family is strong and supportive. If anything, it gave me an opportunity to let her know that I was thinking of her and the rest of her family. As well, it helped me in hearing her voice as I knew she was ok despite the not so great news. And I hope that when she heard my voice, it was actually a welcome call that maybe took her mind off of things even for a couple of minutes. But if anything, she knew that I cared.

Life is short folks. So, pick up the phone...you never know what a phone call can mean to someone.

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