Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Rants and Raves

Well, today will prove to be a bit of a rant and rave day. Sometimes, we need to get out all the crap stuff and also praise all the wonderful stuff.

Rant: To all the crappy drivers this morning that tailgated me and were more than close enough to smash into me. You all suck. I'm stopping my car to turn, but if there's a person crossing the road and I know I can hit her, I'll wait for the person to finish crossing. Don't be a fricken moron. Remember if you hit into me, you're in the wrong, not me.

Rave: I went out to a local congee joint for awewsome food. That always makes me feel good.

Rant: Some co-workers really need to learn when to gossip. Dudette, don't gossip in the middle of the hallway about me because you'll know I'll walk by. Murphy's law. And sure enough, that happened were blushing, guess you knew that I heard you?

Rave: The weather was actually quite perfect. Not too hot, not too cold. Better enjoy it because Fall and Winter are just around the corner.

Rant: Why can't people understand that co-workers don't have to be best friends. You might not like me, and I can totally understand that because I may not necessarily like you, but we need to work together. Let's just be professional and not get catty. I want to go home at the end of the day and forget your ugly attitude and face. But I will not treat you like crap while at work though I'd love to just kick you to the curb. Let's just say that I had to deal with some serious f#$@ers today. You all suck.

Rave: I'm just about done my cold. That's awesome. Maybe sleep will come to me now....

So, some good and bad and that's just the way it is. I'm thankful for a job but I really could do without some of the characters that can make my life a living hell at times. But that goes with the territory. And tomorrow is a new day. Hopefully no rants...just raves.

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