Wednesday, December 31, 2008


I realize that the last little bit, the weather has been crap. Yes, beautiful snow if you're looking at it, but not the least bit fun driving in the stuff. I finally had to succumb to buying winter tires. Ka ching! But it was time. One day I'll talk about my conversation with my husband about winter tires BEFORE the big snow storms hit. LOL!

Anyways, now that the roads are good, people think they can drive like maniacs. Remember the scene in Superman 2 (I think it was that one)...and Superman tries to fly really fast around the earth to turn back time? Well, that's what I'm thinking when I see these insane drivers. Just because you lost 4 days in time...not matter how fast you drive, you're not going to go back 4 days. So relax.

As I was thinking all this, sure enough I saw 2 cars that fell into the ditch and one of those cars bent a whole light pole. They were lucky they got out alive.

As much as I think some of these folks are idiots for driving so fast, I hope they remember that there are people at home waiting for them. If you're not going to drive safely for those around you...then drive safely for the sake of your family. It's never a good time to lose your life...but especially not around the holidays.

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