Thursday, January 1, 2009


It just frightens me how quickly time is going by. How can it be 2009 already? Well it is. So, what do I have to be thankful for? Can't say the list has changed too much from last year...but here goes:

* healthy family
* roof over my head
* food on the table (well, maybe a little too much but always better more than not enough)
* I'm working - with the crazy economy these days...I'm truly thankful for a regular pay cheque.
* family and friends that love and support me
* having had some neat experiences in life
* my kids are actually decent kids so far...let's hope this keeps up

Some big things to be thankful for...I'm sure there are so many other things. But I'm sure that your list will be very similar...and I sure hope so. And if so, may you also realize how happy I am for you.

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