People at work know I'm heading off to the island of palm trees soon. It's going to be great and I'm really looking forward to it. I just went about telling people who seemed interested.
But yesterday, in the middle of the morning, I walk back to my desk and I see a dashboard hula doll on my desk. There was a note attached to it.
I thought it was my one friend at the office because she's been singing the song from Europe...The Final Countdown. The note basically had they lyrics of this song. When I confronted her, she had no clue. And she seemed truly genuine about not knowing. So I went on to other suspects...all denying that they did this.
But then, my friend got me thinking about a prankster at the office. She's sweet as can be and does not fit the mold of a prankster! I had my eyes on her.
Later that day, a co-worker came by and I wanted to show her the note on the hula doll...and the doll was GONE. OMG. Just vanished! I was hysterical looking for this doll...sending out e-mails to my peeps with the topic of MY DOLL!!! I never write in all caps as that's screaming. But I was screaming. I wanted to find this damn hula doll! In my mind, I had a place ready for her in the house.
That night, I was still guffawing from all of this that I must have swallowed a ton of air. My stomach was so upset that I had to take some pepto bismol.
So when I went to the office today, I didn't think much was going to happen. But at 8:40am, when I returned to my desk...hula girl was waiting for me...again. She had a new note on there which counted down the days before I left for Hawaii, pictures of Lilo from Lilo and Stitch and the Aloha oe song.
Well. I just about dropped a couple of bricks because I didn't think I'd see hula girl today. And there she was. But I thought I'd change up the game. I took a picture of hula girl, printed it out and wrote a note on there declaring:
"Oh, I've been kidnapped! I'm being taken back to my homeland!"
Yes, I was going to do the travelling gnome thing where I'd take her everywhere with me to Hawaii and take pictures of her doing things. I was going to come back with a damn photo album. I was so stoked to take her that after I put up the kidnapping picture, I locked her up in my file cabinet. Totally under lock and key. Every once in a while, I'd look into the file cabinet to make sure she was there. And she was! Phew!!!
So, fast forward to the end of the day when I'm ready to go home. I walk back to my desk all confident that I got this person. But imagine my face when I opened up my locked cabinet to find that the doll has vanished, AGAIN!!!
I called my friend over and I could barely talk because I was crying from all the laughing. OMG. This person/group is SO good.
I've got a new plan in mind tomorrow. I have every intention to take hula with me to Hawaii. Let's see if hula girl shows up again.