Monday, June 6, 2011

Grouse Mountain

Yesterday, my family and I went up to Grouse mountain with some of my husband's co-workers from India and one from the local office here. I can't say I was particularly looking forward to going because it's Grouse mountain. It's not like Whistler per se. But I wanted to meet these co-workers from India and it would be a good activity for my girls.

These co-workers were awesome...true tourists! Everything was cool and beautiful. They loved the tram going up...the best part was one of them was afraid of heights. I thought the guy was going to puke! Comedy gold!

When we made it to the top, I was very happy I made the committment to go. It was a spectacular day! Clear blue skies, could see for miles and miles.

What was neater was that there was still a TON of snow up there. Holy smokes! Cold snow but warm weather...I was wearing my shorts! There was even more snow up where the wind turbine area was. My kids were having a blast playing in the snow. We even hung out with some Aussie tourists to help them build a snowman...and in June! The snow boarders and skiiers were still having a fabulous time out on the slopes.

And we all even enjoyed the Lumberman show. Cheesy but really good. The Eye of the Sky show, yeah, not so much. But it was a great time to just sit and veg.

We liked it so much we got ourselves an annual pass. Hope to be heading back up soon!

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