Saturday, April 16, 2011

Executive Decision

No, I didn't make one. I finally saw the entire movie. Holy smokes, it's not like it is a stellar movie. However, I started watching it while at the dentist. I had some long procedure that required that I stay in the dentist chair for a while. She has a big tv in the room and there was nothing to watch. But for whatever reason, this movie kept my decision and kept me from being entirely bored. But my dentist being so efficient finished before the movie ended! Dang. I was getting pretty close to the end of the movie. I had invested time in this movie and no matter how good or terrible, I wanted to finish it.

This was a couple of months ago. From that point on, the movie has been on tv. But I never get to the part where I missed. Could I have PVR'd it? For sure, but during those times, my PVR was always full!!! When I set up a recording of when it would be on, the PVR always taped some other show. But today was the day. Today I finally got to watch the remaining 15 minutes I had been missing. It was finally meant to be. Would I watch it again? Nope...but I can finally say I watched the whole damn thing.

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