Saturday, April 2, 2011


On my Disneyland trip, I decided to buy a new camera. I have a slick Nikon DSLR camera that I love. But it really was too bulky to take with me. And the concern of losing it or damaging it was too much for me. I couldn't afford another camera like this as it would cost me $800.

So I opted for a new point and shoot since my other one is in pieces. I did research on different types. I searched mainly Canon and Nikon. I didn't just look at the camera, but I looked things like the cost of replacing one of those canon camera batteries, or the cost of a nikon charger, etc.

Pretty anal for a point and shoot. But if the replacement is going to cost more than the camera...why bother?

I am happy with my choice of cameras. Can't wait to use it in Portland!

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