Monday, March 14, 2011


There is so much pressure to buy "great gifts for couples" because you want to make sure the gift is appropriate for both individuals not just for one person. You don't want to make one person feel left out. And you don't want to have the pair think that you decided to spend more money really for one individual rather than equally for the two of them.

Maybe I just think too much about this stuff. But it's no fun getting a gift for people when you're not sure they're going to like it! It's so fun seeing someone's smile, joy or suprise when you get them something that you know they'd appreciate. Case in point, a tuxedo cake for a certain individual for their birthday. On a side note, I don't think I've ever heard someone talk about a tuxedo cake...that much. Quite endearing actually.

So, what to buy my couple friends this year? Who knows. I'm still looking. But I'll probably lean towards an experience that both of them will like.

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