Monday, July 26, 2010

The Weekend

Well, this weekend, I had 4 days off. That's unheard of for me, but I had a couple of flex days to add to my weekend this time around. It was awesome and stinking busy.

Friday was great. Had the annual eye exams for my kids. I think what's neat is this optometrist uses the newest in technology. So everything is very sci-fi. The kids eyes are good! Then it was off to my husband's work party. There was a successful launch of a recent product and the company (all offices around the world) celebrated on that day. We ended up being at a park that was very close by his workplace. It was a catered lunch (yummy!, and sports and entertainment was available for staff and their families. I didn't do the sports...the girls did the waterpark though. But the entertainment was great! They had a person doing caricatures and a clown.

Now, I have to admit, when I saw this clown, I was a little skeptical. He looked a little sketchy. But for 4 hours, he just joked with the crowd and made the most incredible balloon creations! Each person in that line up got something different. My kids got amazing bouquets, one was a ghostbuster, another an angel and I got a bunny hat...with the cutest toes!

The nastiest gift I got that day was a really bad sun burn. Literally, there is a V neck burn and I have a wicked farmer's tan on my arms. NICE. Well, I guess I have some long term memories of the event.

On Saturday, I went to Sechelt with the family to go and celebrate my kid's great grandma's 91st birthday. That's a milestone...especially since she broke her hip a couple of years ago. I wasn't quite sure if she'd recover. But she is totally with it, still funny as ever, and is not scared of dying. I love it. At 91, the only "problems" she has is that she has to walk around with a cane most of the time, and she's a bit hard of hearing. So I get to scream a bit into her ear and not feel bad. LOL!

Sunday was games day at my house. A nice bunch of friends came over. Totally casual, totally laid back, with good games and good food. I love games day because it's a day for friends to connect. But it's also an opportunity to try new games. Once again, I got to try a new card game that I've never tried before and loved it! And the friends that came over totally joined in on the fun and we all caught up indeed.

Monday was a belated father's day dim sum breakfast with my dad. My stepmom went as did my kids. I can't believe how much dim sum costs these days, but my dad was happy with the food. Good enough for me. Don't want him complaining there isn't enough and it's not good tasting. I wouldn't hear the end of it. And of course, I gave him a red pocket. My parents don't like the traditional gifts. They like the money. And it's quite funny...whatever they buy with the money I give them, they always like to show it off to me. Usually it's some name brand clothing. Doesn't matter to me. My dad was happy...all that mattered.

So, it was a very packed weekend and I was very tired by the end. I really didn't want to go to work today, but I guess I have to at some point. The long weekend is just around the corner though. Off to volunteer at the Powell Street Festival. Good times!!! And hopefully some good entertainment and food again. Other than that, I think I'll get to chill...and maybe clean a little. My husband is on pager and we as a family can't go anywhere. Yeah, I'll definitely use that as an excuse to just chill at home.

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