Friday, July 2, 2010


When I'm looking for information on products, I like to see the good and the bad. Sometimes, when new products come out on the market, all I see is the "good" stuff, never any of the bad stuff. That turns me off a product completely. And if a product really is that awesome, I don't believe it when the stuff people write sounds contrived and not an honest review.

So I was reading someone's blogs and they had articles on nuphedragen reviews. I thought I'd click on the article to see if it was one of those spam like/infomercial, all good stuff type of article. And I liked seeing that it wasn't all good. Though it still seemed commercial to me. But I had a bit more respect for the article because there was some not so good stuff.

I'm not saying I don't believe products can be good. But I really can't stand it when it's a PR firm writing everything rather than just a person saying what they really think about a product. I guess that's marketing.

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