Sunday, July 4, 2010


LMFs are my low maintenance friends. These are folks that I may not see for months at a time. We may hear from each other in terms of phone calls and e-mails. But there is an understanding that we are all busy in our own ways.

I may not get invited to all the special events such as their kid's birthday parties and vice versa. No one gets mad at that because we also understand that kid's parties can only be so big. And it should be what the kids want not what the adults want.

We have made an agreement that we don't buy each other's kids Christmas gifts and probably not for the adults either. It's about the spirit of Christmas, and kind words on a card.

Sometimes, my LMFs are even too busy to do a quick Facebook status. But that is just life. And the beautiful part about my LMFs is that whenever we do get together, it's like a day hasn't passed and we catch up on everything. There is no judgement, no comments on "why didn't you call me or why haven't you bothered to get a hold of me," there is no guilt. Even when there are "bad" things that have happened to our individual lives, we talk about it because it matters. But it's not negative. We're just talking about life. And we're all grateful for all that we have and our moments of getting together. This is not to say that my LMFs wouldn't come to my assistance if I needed it because they have. They really are just laid back, don't need hand holding from me and can function just fine without hearing from me all the time. I'm not saying I'm not important, but that's how they feel about me too.

We always end up laughing and just loving each other's company even though it's so rare. Great friends don't have to be high maintenance ones with tons of drama.


Anonymous said...

Well said my LMF!!!

Anonymous said...

Frick I forgot to sign my name...Crawforn