Friday, July 30, 2010


REALLY?! Is it really August?! OMG. I honestly can not believe how fast this summer has gone by. Every weekend, there has been something which is great. But I feel like I need days off for all the fun stuff over the weekend.

This weekend is slightly different. My husband is on pager so we can do family things around the house, but we can't really go out as a family. He's got to be home for when that pager goes off. And I don't want to take the kids to all the fun stuff as I'm sure he'd want to go too.

So, I've opted for a slower weekend this week. The only "work" I will be doing is volunteering at the Powell Street Festival tomorrow, some food shopping and some cleaning around the house. Other than that, it's lounge, chill with the kids in the backyard with their kiddy pool, picnics also in the backyard, movie nights and whatever else comes up.

Even though the kids are having a complete blast at their daycamp, they need some real downtime too. So, it seems like a perfect August long weekend to just chillax with the family.

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