Sunday, January 31, 2010


Today, my daughter and I headed off to a person's house that we've never been to. We were invited by the mom because her son goes to school with my kid. And the 2 kids seem to get along extremely well. Actually, there are 4 kids in total (3 boys and my daughter) that play together each day at school and truly enjoy each other's company. I love it!

So, I wander over with her because I've never met this kid or this family. I don't want to just "leave" her there even though the mom was more than happy to just have me leave my kid. I just chatted with the mother for about an hour and a half...lovely lady. She didn't even really bother to clean up. "I'm not trying to fool anybody." Sweet. And her house was stinking amazing. Her husband is a part time inventor and has a full fledged "lab" downstairs so he can invent things. cool is THAT?!

At the end of the playdate, the mom told me how happy she was with the date and that she hoped we could do it again soon. I had no problem with that. Then she told me that this relationship between the two kids was such a great friendship and she couldn't ask for anything more. Her son had invited a previous girl classmate over, and he had a real big crush on her. And unfortunately, the girl was so mean to him and it just crushed him. The mom was also so sad for her son because he was sad. She was just happy to see him with a good friend.

Well, I'm glad this playdate went well. Though it makes me wonder how my kid got to be queen of the boy's club. Anyways, it's nice to see kids happy and just innocently playing and enjoying the joys of being a kid.

Why do they have to grow up?

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