Monday, February 1, 2010


Good on the bicycle riders out there working out, getting some fresh air and reducing the earth's footprint. I think that's great. And honestly, 95% of those bikers on the street are actually great people, follow the rules, understand the rules of the road, use the bike lanes and are not rude to pedestrians.

Well, today, I met one of the 5% that are total assholes. I was by my workplace and a car was waiting for traffic to pass so they could turn. But I guess they had turned just far enough to "impede" the 3 bikers that were coming down Broadway. Yeah...anybody who is smart enough would not bike on Broadway as it is a major thoroughfare.

Anyways, this biker screams out the biggest "f#%K you" I have heard in a long time. Then gestures to the driver to turn and keeps telling him to bleep off. Quite a few choice 4 letter words. His 2 buddies are cackling away. And I thought, what a loser. So as he rode away, I screamed at him and said "just relax!!!" So he continues to bike, and keeps screaming at me to bleep off. Seriously. RELAX. I'm glad he didn't turn around and come get me, but I was so annoyed at him thinking that he was the king of the road when he's not.

But what pisses me off even more is that 1 block away...yes 1 full block away, there is a major bike route for people like him so that cars will not impede their journey. Oooo...guess he's too macho to take the bike route and would rather yell at everybody along the way.

I'd hate to see him in his normal everyday job. Or maybe my luck, the guy is a drill sergeant.

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