Sunday, August 17, 2008


I spent one afternoon at a friend's place. My whole family made the trek out to Mission...which is VERY far away from my house. SEriously...if you're not in the GVRD area and I have to call long distance, there's a problem. But I love these people enough to go.

However, I hated half of the guest list. There are people that I see and my blood pressure hits the roof!!! My dislike for some of these folks is just ugly. To the couple that shoves God down people's throats then prays for concert tickets because they deserve suck. To the same God loving folks that think that they're better than everybody else, you really do suck. I have no problem with religion...but when you shove it into every conversation and basically preach to me, I have a problem with you. HISSSSSSS.

For the guy who told the hostess that she could have made a better cake, you suck. The hostess made a HUGE cake that was a risk board. All the countries were different colours, there were little Risk men, the ocean was a beautiful blue...and you could see the ocean currents! And if that wasn't enough, the countries were named! The guy told the woman that she should have had a cake flavour for every country that there was within the cake. Are you F#@%in mental? It took her 6 hours to decorate...and with 3 kids...I doubt she has the time to deal with your request.

However, there were redeeming moments. First of all, the birthday boy was 35 years young and had a good time. He looks happy and looks like life is treating him well. Yay. Secondly, I'm glad I'm wrong. There was a guy there that I've seen over the years. And my gut reaction to this guy was that he was racist. His sarcasm about colour folk like me was beyond pleasant or even funny. However, he recently had some tough things happen to him. And he really is a changed man. When he came in and saw me, shook my hand and said hello. When I chatted to him about his recent situation, he was open, honest, and genuinely seemed happy to talk to me. No coloured jokes. Just seemed like a sincere guy. Good to know that some folks can change.

So, it's Monday tomorrow. Not looking forward to that. But it is my last week before I'm off for 2 weeks. I'm needing it.....

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