Monday, August 11, 2008


I think I might have to adjust my attitude towards Mondays. Pretty much my whole work life, I've had Mondays off. I'd work extra hours in the day to get the 1 day off. And really, it was a long weekend every weekend. Think about take out the stat holidays and assume that every Monday is a work day. If I don't work Mondays, that's 52 Mondays I have off which turns into about 2 months off of work. Pretty good deal. So you can imagine how choked I was when I had to give those up.

So, on this Monday, it was a little different. I actually had to take my one kid to Children's Hospital to get a check up on her hip. She had hip dysplasia when she was young. Basically, if we didn't fix it, her leg would grow the wrong way and may have ended up having a hip replacement at 20. Not exactly the life I wanted for her.

Anyways, I woke up and everything was good. Got to the hospital in good time and found free parking. Walked to the line up. Got to the clinic, got in right away. The doctor that I had was actually in a happy mood and had some good bedside manners. I also received the good news that she's not concerned at all. However, since she's OCD, she's going to have me come in again next year just because. Thanks to all the tax payers that are paying for this.

I honestly thought the day couldn't get better. But I got to work and found free parking...again! Worked for an hour and then, it was time for lunch. Went with a good friend to a place that I've been meaning to go to for a very long time. Can you believe I found parking in front of the restaurant too?! By the time I got back to work, I only had about 2 more hours of work and then it was time to go home. I brought extra ribs to my dad to make soup and he said I made too he used the ribs to make black bean spareribs for me for dinner. I didn't even have to cook!!!

That is such a great Monday. I don't need much...just things to go smoothly and little treats of free parking and no cooking on a Monday. I'm happy.

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