Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Well, I finally got pictures from my first lesbian wedding I attended. It was a ton of fun!! It was really neat as the ceremony took place in the middle of an art exhibition. The art was not for the faint of heart. But it was the Pride in Art art exhibition...so what better place for a lesbian wedding!

I actually brought my dad as I thought it would be good to "expand" his experiences. He had a neat time and probably took way more photos than the official photographer. I was just so happy for these two as they seem like the neatest couple. And for selfish reasons...I'm glad the wedding is over. The one bride that was getting married sits right next to me...and she has been in planning heaven. However, every 1/2 hour, I'd hear a screech and high pitched scream...."I'm getting married!!!!" Hey, that's awesome, but it's really ruining my groove! =)

The only crappy part is that I made one wrong turn to the centre and the cop thought it was a serious traffic violation. And now, I'm $121 poorer. BOO! Dude. Go get someone else that's doing something REALLY wrong. I thought I'd actually go to traffic court, but it's not worth my time. The funny thing is that the cop told me to go dispute the fine amount. Ok dude...whatever.

It's all good. The couple is happy and that's all that matters.

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