Wednesday, July 27, 2011


The weekend was awesome! Well, I didn't have to go to work. I love my job, but really, I'm ok not going to work. Secondly, got to head up to Sechelt with the family to celebrate the kid's great grandma's 92nd birthday. No smeal feat! And it was extra great because other family members were also there.

Lunch was provided by my husband's aunt and uncle who are just the loveliest people. Lunch was awesome! It was good to catch up with them and the other family members too.

While we were waiting for great grandma to come downstairs and join the festivities, me, my family, my brother in law, sister in law and their son also came down to the beach to hang out. Great grandma's place rocks because you walk down the stairs from her place and you are on this beautiful, pristine beach. Usually, the only people there are my family members. It's like our own island. My girls just love exploring the beach, all the creatures...especially the starfish. We love skipping rocks and playing battleship. And this year, we found a make shift swing on one of the beautiful trees down there. The girls kept on swinging.

What made the beach part so perfect was that there was no outside noise. Just us and nature. It was sunny, but not hot. Everybody was relaxed, we chilled. It was such a simple afternoon on the beach, but it really was perfect. In fact, after we went back up to enjoy lunch and cake, we came right back down to the beach to have a little more "perfect" time.

Great grandma enjoyed the visit by all of us! Though I'm sure it was overwhelming. But she was grateful that all of us could gather for her special day. Happy 92nd Great Grandma!

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