Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Katy Perry

Last week, I got to go to the Katy Perry concert with my friend T. She's such an awesome concert go-er and it's always good to chill with her. I'm glad I went, but I can honestly say that I wouldn't go again.

Was it a terrible concert? Nope. Was it awesome? Nope. It was ok. I think what was a sign that it was just ok was that I sat for 1/2 the concert. I never sit at concerts unless it's a very slow song. But seriously, sitting that long for Katy Perry?

Some of the imagery was terrible too. Some of it was just very odd, gross and actually horrifying. I thought I was going to get some bad dreams.

As for the opening acts, there were 2 of them. One was an artist I didn't even know. But I didn't like her at all. In fact, my other friend who I went with made a comment that was perfect about this act..."I'd rather be watching a riveting chess game than have to sit through this." Yep. I'd have to agree.

The second act was a DJ. If you were young and never been to a club, this would have been pretty cool. But I sat through some of it...and then ended up walking around with T until the break.

So, definitely not a NKOTBSB high. I can say I've seen her and I'm planning to save my money for when she comes next time.

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