Sunday, May 31, 2009


I don't like my office building. It's ancient and I swear it's haunted. I think the rumor was that it was actually built over aboriginal land...something like that.

But the building really needs a facelift or something. It's old brick, but it's not that cool looking red brick stuff. The washrooms are outdated and don't even have those hand dryers (just think of how many trees we could save by not having paper towels in there). And the heat/air con is never right.

Maybe we should update the washrooms by using a glass tile of some sort, give it a swanky hotel look. I think we should go for the minimalist chic look. Get rid of the carpet (where we can't tell if it's clean or dirty) and put in hard wood floors. Yeah. Bring in some good artwork, no more of those 80s posters that talk about determination and team work. They're faded for goodness sakes...time to put them downstairs!

Or maybe, we should submit the office into one of those makeover shows. Yeah, demolish the damn place and put up a wicked office building.

But I guess that won't be happening soon. Until then, I can wish for a pretty building to work in.

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