Sunday, June 30, 2013

Find Your You-ness!

Time to throw in my hat for the Expedia and National Film Festival for Talented Youth (NFFTY) contest.  The NFFTY is the world's largest youth film festival.  

The contest is to write a blog post about what my focus would be if I visited a particular destination to make a travel "Find Your ____" video. 

My chances of winning are slim as there are a number of entries for this amazing contest.  But I am still going to enter because travelling really is one of the most amazing things in the world and I wanted to share my story.  

My video would be called Find Your You-ness in Australia.  I would choose this location as it is diverse in nature and people, offering so many activities and adventures that are not available here at home.  These differences and environments that I'm not used to would push me to try  adventures I haven't tried before and to learn what I can and cannot do.  And even the act of travelling and meeting others forces you to find out who you really are in a country that you don't know a soul.  

There would be a number of things I would want to try to push myself and find out what makes me...well, me!

I would love to set up a bench/area in some random city in Australia.  There would be a sign saying something along the lines of "What makes you unique" or "Whoever comes and sits here is the right person."  It would be so random but I love just talking to people and see how they're similar to me and better yet, how they are different.  We're half a world away from each other, but there must be something similar and there must be something about me that makes me unique!  Who knows where the conversation would lead to?  How fun would that be?

Would love to visit a destination in Australia that has dolphins that I could swim with!  How amazing to be with such unique mammals that I could share curiosity about the world and the joy of swimming.   

It would be incredible to surf in some of the most pristine waters.   I've just started surfing.  It would be an opportunity to test my new found skills in a new country and new waters.  Can I do it?  Is it the same or is it different?

I would love to try camping under the stars in Ayers Rock.  Not because I love camping (in fact, I'm a terrible camper), but because I want to push myself to live in the elements.  What can I actually do with no essentials like electricity?  

Would love to try a tree top adventure/or rock climbing!  I'm terrified of heights!  But I want to push myself to see what I can do!  I want to prove to myself that it's ok to be scared, but being able to conquer a fear would just add another element of being me and what I could do.  

Each experience pushes one to discover your true self.  And travelling in such a different place would offer such amazing opportunities to push myself in many different ways to really help me find out who I truly am!  

Thanks for the great contest and good luck to all participants!!

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