Saturday, June 22, 2013


For those that don't know me well, my dreams can be pretty good indicators for things.  I actually dreamt of 3 pregnancies and sure enough, friends of mine had babies.  One of them, I even called up and said that they were going to have another baby.  They didn't believe me.  But they did when they got the positive test. 

However, the flip side is just as true.  I've dreamt of certain people telling me they would pass or I'd have some really inexplicable dream with the person in it, then when waking, be ever so sad about the person.  That's when I know they're leaving. 

Call it coincidence.  But some of these dreams, I never get an indication from the person that perhaps they are sick/wanting to get pregnant, etc.  Maybe it's some weird magical thing in the air.

I like the happy dreams, not the yucky ones where the person goes.  And I'm concerned that someone will be leaving me.  I had the dream where the wife called and gave me the bad news that her husband was passing.  I hope I'm wrong because I hate it when I'm right about these types of dreams.  

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