Friday, June 21, 2013

Bus Rides

Now that I've been bussing it back home from work, it brings back memories of why I never truly enjoyed bussing when I was younger.  When I was younger, it was about freedom, getting to places to be with friends, to get around, etc.  Now it's just a "need" to type of transportation.  

So, what I definitely don't miss are all the sick people on the bus.  If you're going to be sick, please, bring some Kleenex and take some meds.  I don't want to get sick.  Because if I go down and the kids go down, I'm going to be upset.  When I'm down and sick but still have to do everything else, I'm not very fun to be around.  Everbody's going down with me.  

I don't miss the long journey.  Even though I carpool in the morning, I'm there usually by 6:20 but I can't start until 7.  I'm waking up at 4:45.  But the bus ride back home, on a bad day can easily take 1.5 hours.  I'm travelling to Seattle every time I go into work.  It bites and definitely eats into my time.   Hello...I could watch almost 3 episodes of a show!!

I don't miss the painful flirting that goes on between people.  For example, today, this one lady was sitting next to this guy and they knew each other.  Looked like they were co-workers.  But she was obviously flirting, blushing at all the right moments and doing a ton of nervous chatter (which if frustrating to listen to).  But the sad part was that the guy talked about his wife, his kids and how long he's been married for...and that he can't wait to take his next family trip.  Girl.  You're looking for love in all the wrong places!!  And take a're talking WAY too much.  

Right now, it's summer and the weather has been pretty good for commuting.  But come winter, it's going to suck with the rainy umbrellas, big jackets and jam packed bus!

I could go on and on about the crazies that I meet on the bus, the insane stories I hear about, the stupid make out sessions that I have to see, and just the random crap that is so not fun.  

But it is what it is.  And it does save me money versus driving all the way downtown.  So no complaints on the saving part.   But oh...wouldn't I just love a shorter commute with less crazies.  

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