Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Lately, I've been visiting hospitals way too often. You should see my credit card bill...basically all parking costs at hospital parking lots!

And today was no different. I went to a local hospital during my lunch time today to see a man that is very special to me. He's known me ever since I came to Canada...so basically my whole life. Him and his family have cared for me for many years. I am grateful and truly fortunate to have them in my life. He is really another dad to me. He's that awesome.

I went to go see him at the hospital today as he just had hip surgery. We're talking about taking out the old hip replacement and putting in a new one. So major surgery. I don't even want to go into details as it was quite gross what they had to do.

I was amazed at how good he looked! He had great colour in his face, he spoke just fine, he joked and he asked about my family. Seriously. The man is in pain and can still laugh, joke and ask about my life. Craziness. But it was very nice to see and my heart was "lightened" knowing that he was doing well.

And I must say, the hospital renovations were awesome! Holy smokes. New pavillions, great equipment...even the medical computer carts rocked! Though, I must say, they could maybe try getting double ply bathroom tissue and save a little on the equipment side of things. I'm just saying.

So kudos to the surgeons for performing a great surgery and I'm thankful for this man doing so well post op.

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