Thursday, October 15, 2009


The other night, I went to a dinner that was provided by Coke-a-Cola. This is they company that I'll be working for as a contractor during the Olympic games. The dinner was a chance for the team members to meet each other and to also give staff a chance to see the new uniforms.

I was a little worried about these uniforms because if they were anything like the Beijing Canada ones, I was going to quit. The 2008 ones were TERRIBLE and I mocked them like there was no tomorrow.

Dinner was fantastic! And extra awesome because it was free. Can't remember the last time the company paid for a meal.

But the uniforms were totally wicked. Basically we all get some variation of the uniform. Long sleeve shirts, zip up hoodies, hats, mittens, roll on duffel bags, etc. I was very happy with the colours, the uniform wasn't tacky and it would be something that I wouldn't be embarrased to wear. What amazed me even more about the uniforms and's worth approximateyly $900. Whoa. For one month of work, they will pay people to wear uniforms that cost that much?! Wow. They must be rolling in the dough. As a sidenote, did you know that the Coke company (beverages of all kinds) sells approximately 11,000 drinks worldwide every 1.4 seconds?!!!

Anyways, I'm happy and will be proud to wear the uniform.

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