Saturday, October 24, 2009


When I was younger, I read the articles on how much it would cost to raise a kid to a certain age. I think at that time it was about $125,000. Hee hee. The other day, I heard the same type of report and that number has been boosted up to about $250,000+. And I believe it.

Every day, it seems like the kids come home from school for some fundraising event or some pamphlet to buy something. Or they're growing out of their clothes and shoes so fast that you're constantly buying stuff. Or maybe because you need to buy your kid a mattress. My one kid is sleeping off an older bed that's really more futon like than anything else. She's more than happy with it, but it's starting to come apart, i.e. little balls. It's odd. But that's a good chunk of change gone and to add to the looming $250,000 bill.

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