Thursday, June 18, 2009


It doesn't exist. So, I don't know what it is about moms and their obsessions to get it perfect. And no Mrs. C.M., I'm not talking about you (read your blog...hee hee).

But honestly, we moms are amazing as is. We carry and nurture our child as they are growing within us. We nurture them for 9 months or some weird number of weeks. We give birth to these beings and protect them every step of the way. We try to make sure we teach you properly, to get you in the right classes, to help you grow into a contributing member of society.

All the while, we make sure that there is food in the house, cook everyday, clean, laundry, work, ensure all the special occassions are taken care of, everybody's needs are taken care of, and if we have time, try to take care of ourselves. I'm sure moms around could add tons more stuff to this list of everyday things that they do. But that's the thing. We do a TON in a day and yet we get mad at ourselves for not being able to do more and comparing ourselves to what we think is a perfect mom.

It really doesn't exist. So stop beating yourselves up mom. If your house is messy, like mine, then take it in stride. Nobody likes their house dirty...but you know what? Everybody is healthy, the major things are taken care of and the mess will still be there tomorrow. I promise.

Your family already thinks your close to perfection...shouldn't that be good enough?

1 comment:

Cheryl Anne said...

Perfection is the Holy Grail of Motherhood, the Lost City of Atlantis, even Sasquatch-like, if you will: there are stories of its existence, perhaps even apparent proof, but in the end, it's only a rumour, fable, fantastical story devised by one crazed Mother to calm her own insanity and heighten others' grief.

It takes a lot of learning to disbelieve the hype! Can you tell I'm still a sucker? LOL