Saturday, February 28, 2009


My one kid has been sick this week. And that meant waking up 2-3 times a night, and sometimes, spending time with her while she tried to get to bed. I felt like I had a newborn again!

And it made it hard as I wake up at 5 to go to work. I got pretty tired, pretty quickly. But on Fridays-Sundays, those are my husband's nights to get up for the kids. And sure enough, with the 1 kid being sick, he's had to do the same thing.

So, despite all the chores and things that need to get done around this place, I opted not to do it and take a nap. Originally, it was to be a 1/2 hour nap. I did get interrupted by my kids twice...but somehow, I got back to bed. I was in bed for 2 hours on a Saturday. That rarely happens. But I'm glad it did today. I started to feel human again and with some energy. I know my good friend Miss K takes one every Sunday and those times are sacred. Nobody messes with her nap.

Wow. I really think siestas should be allowed at work. We'd have way less grumpier people at the workplace.....

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