Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I guess today was a better day...just because it wasn't a Monday. Got to work on time, started off ok and had my coffee when I got in. THAT'S really important.

The hard part about today is that I could never quite get to the work that I wanted to get done. Now, if it was fun stuff that pulled me away, that's fine. But it was some icky stuff. From really private stuff to an actual First Aid call. I'm one of the attendants but I'd rather be in title than actually have to deal with anything.

One of the managers called me into his office and he made it sound REALLY ominous. He asked me to close the door and the first thing I blurted out was "what did I do that was so wrong?!" He just laughed. But he calmly told me that he was getting angina pains and he was getting to take his nitroglycerin. He needed someone to watch just in case. WTF. First aid doesn't teach you about what to do when people take nitro...or maybe I fell asleep during that part of the course!!

OMG. I was actually quite anxious. But he explained to me what I needed to know. Believe me when I say that I was ready to grab his phone and just call 911. Turns out he was ok after his dosage. The thought of maybe having to do CPR on someone was making my stomach churn. I know I could, but I'd prefer to never have to do it.

I figure that tomorrow is hump day...that's a redeeming quality to this week.

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