Sunday, July 27, 2008


My kid had her late half birthday yesterday. It was fun! She liked her cake...because really, to a 4.5 year old, that's all that matters. Oh, and the balloons. I had a good time too as a lot of people couldn't make it and it was a smaller crowd. My dad said it wasn't big enough. But I didn't see him lifting a finger to cook and I say it was a big enough crowd.

This year, the half birthday came at a time when changes are just around the corner for the family. Tomorrow is my first day of my 5 day week. It's also the first day for my eldest at her new daycare/kindercare. I'm a little worried for her as she can be a bit shy. But I just have to let go and know that she has to go through this. I can't shelter her forever. My youngest will be transitioning into full time daycare very soon.

And those are just the changes in the next little bit. But that's life. EEEK!!!! It doesn't take away the fear though. =)

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