Tuesday, July 22, 2008

In the Zone.

Ok, so I wasn't in the zone...but my co-worker sure was. ROFL! Music is a real get away for me and for many folks. And at work, it's a life saver. There are times that I just feel that I can't get through something...but I strap on my iPod and I'm in the groove.

Well, my co-worker was really having an issue being motivated, so she strapped on her little music machine and started to work. She was so into it that was she singing out loud and everybody heard her. I don't sit near her so I didn't say anything. However, my co-workers that do sit around her just let her sing! I guess about 1/2 hour passed and they figured that was enough. Poor thing was so embarrassed.

I just think it's totally cool. That's 1/2 down of crappy work she didn't want to do...and she was actually happy doing it.

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