Monday, August 13, 2012

First World Problems

I have first world problems.   I know that I have a roof over my head, food on the table, and many essentials that only others in other parts of the world can only dream of.  And because of my first world problems, I tend not to get too wound up about things.

Don't get me wrong.  Of course I lose it about many things.  But I always regain perspective about what is in my life and let things go or figure out solutions.  

And today, just a reminder that many things are first world problems.  Today, my husband lost a co-worker to cancer.  This woman is a woman that I had spent some time with.  Every time I was with her, I was surrounded by grace, genuineness, beauty and love.  And she had a laugh that was extremely contagious!  

Though I didn't know her well, I'm saddened by this loss.  The world is a dimmer place today without her laughter and spirit.   She fought so courageously for so many years through a number of devastating diagnoses and pain.  Her pain is something that we can only imagine and wish that we never had.  Yet, she went through this for half of her life.  And each day, despite the pain and frustration, she could still laugh and enjoy life in the best way possible.  

So, for those today having a "bad day," for those feeling that the world is against them, for those that feel that no one understands them, for those that feel that they've given so much only to receive so little, for those that cannot look to themselves to see responsibility, for those that spilled their coffee or couldn't find a parking spot....please, just give yourself a small shake.  You have the luxury of thinking of these things today and have the chance to live and change it or at least your perspective of it.  Be grateful you have first world problems.  

To Sandy...may your body and soul finally find the rest that it deserves.  May you be free from the shackles and pain of cancer.  And may you look down upon your family and friends and know that you are loved.  xoxo.....

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