Wednesday, September 28, 2011


My dad has been going quite regularly back to China to meet up with his old school buds. I love it. I've always told him, there's no need to "save" the money for me as he's worked hard for it and he's had some pretty tough points in his life. He should enjoy what his money can do for him...especially travelling. He's still healthy and able to enjoy travelling.

He mentioned a tour that he was planning to take next year and it piqued my interest. 8 days in Beijing and then he'd tack on a couple of extra days to go to Hong Kong. So I'll say 14 days in total. My stepmom would go too. And I was really thinking of going so I asked him more about it.

I still have to work out some logistics. But I think I'm going to do it and go. It's an opportunity to travel with my parents and see the country in their eyes. As well, I want to go to Hong Kong. I was born there and I've always said I wanted to go home. This is a great chance. And my parents can tell me and show me about where I was born, meet with relatives, and just check out where I could have ended up.

I'm excited about the possibility!!! Let's hope the logistics work out!

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