Sunday, December 19, 2010


TLC as in the channel...yes, the Learning Channel. I like a number of those shows on there. I never thought I'd say it though, but I sat down and watched an episode of Sarah Palin's Alaska. I was intrigued because Kate Gosselin and her 8 kids was going to be on this episode. The whole idea was that Kate plus 8 was already in Alaska and Sarah wanted to meet them. As well, take her family and Kate's family to camp in the great outdoors.

Let me say this...I'm not a big fan of Sarah in the political arena. And I think I'd be somewhat scared if she really were to become president in 2012. But in Alaska, she's one rugged woman. She can take chop wood, fish, use guns (really well), build, you name it, she can do it...and she looks so pretty and strong at the same time. I was really impressed with her outdoor skills and I know she'd kick my butt out there.

Now, let me say this. Kate Gosselin camping in the wild is the whiniest and brattiest of the bunch. OMG. She whined at everything. She complained about everything. She cried about everything. Oh my goodness. Just shut it already.

Hate to say it...Sarah Palin 1, Kate Gosselin 0.

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