Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Must Lists

When my husband and I were looking for our next place to live, we both had a list of must haves. He needed a dishwasher, I wanted fireplaces. I was willing to live with one though.

And though I would never ask him to change his list of must haves, I had some difficulty in understanding why he'd want a dishwasher. I just never grew up with one and didn't understand the need for it. Heck, I had an Asian girlfriend that used that dishwasher as a place to put all her extra toilet paper. She never actually used it to wash dishes.

On the flip side, he couldn't understand my need for a fireplace. To me it was about security and warmth.

So in the end, we both got what we wanted on our must have list. And I'm glad that he had dishwasher on his list...not sure how I'd live without one now.

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