Monday, March 23, 2009


My husband called me tonight while he was heading home from work. He basically told me to be on standby to pick him up because his car did not sound good nor was it performing properly. He kept giving options and I just told him to call me to pick him up wherever and whenever. I get weirded out with people driving and talking on the phone.

When he got home, I heard the garage door open. I opened the door to the garage and saw him sitting in his car and turning off his engine. He didn't actually drive into the garage. He opens the car door and says "Get the fire extinguisher." Don't have to tell me twice. I rush the kids in just in case and I grab the extinguisher. By the time I get out, he's opened the hood of the car and there was massive steam coming out. Yeesh. Not good. Right off the bat, I thought radiator.

Well, based on his assessment and conversations with his brother, it's the coolant that leaked into the engine. Something like that. Don't even quote me on car talk. Apparently that's like $4,000 to repair. Wow. That bites. At least on the bright side, he'll get a ton of Airmiles.

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