Monday, December 21, 2009


Dreams. We all have them. May it be while sleeping, or the big dreams we make for ourselves that we hope one day come true. When we're sleeping, we can't control any of those dreams.

But for some, dreaming is just another word for an action plan. For some, those big dreams do come true. Maybe it's being the CEO of a certain company. Maybe it's taking a big trip around the world. The dream can be as big or as small as you want.

But what happens when those dreams for yourself don't work? I just found about a great friend whose dream may not come true. And it's heartbreaking to know that. It's been a while since I've seen anybody so motivated to do something and worked her butt to get to that stage. But she's gotten to a point where unfortunately, she may no longer to go on for a number of reasons.

And so, what do we do with those unclaimed dreams? What do we do with those thoughts of never getting there? I've had dreams myself that I know will never be fulfilled, even though I tried pursuing them. Yes, I had my moments of dwelling on those failures. But now when I look back, those were not failures, but truly learning moments. I learned much about my character, I learned about other possibilities, I learned that not all dreams were meant to be. No matter what though, I learned to live through those without regrets. And I hope, truly hope that my girlfriend will see this one day too.

Not chasing a dream at all and living in regret is much more painful.

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