Thursday, August 29, 2013

Pet Peeve

One of my big pet peeves...teachers who can't SPELL and refuse to use a dictionary.  

 I don't know how many posts or newsletters that I get with a large number of spelling errors in them...and they are from teachers.  Makes me wonder if they are teaching children to spell properly!  But really, isn't there a phrase about putting your best foot forward?!

Biggest offenders lately, spelling clothes without the e, or wasps but spelled waps, and don't get me started with the their, they're and there issue!

And of all the professions too.  

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Actions Not Words

As it's my last day of work for a while, I had a meeting with my boss to finalize all the loose ends.   As well, to have a discussion about the future.  My new boss has been with us for less than 2 months. 

My attitude when I first met her was to just continue to do what I do in terms of work.  Show her what I do and how I do it well.  And also just be me in terms of attitude.  I don't treat her any differently than I treat anybody else in the office.  I'm still me.  Heck, I dressed up for the first day of meeting her...after that, it was all casual wear.  Honestly, I should be embarrassed by what I wear to work.  But there is no dress code!  Woo hoo!

And I'm glad I stuck with that plan.  I'm not a person that has to tell everybody what I do and how great I do it.  Because I really don't do that much well.  And for the things that I do well, I try to let my actions and work show how good I am.  I find that way more effective. 

Perhaps there are people who would say that it's not smart to do it that way because you don't compliments or feel recognized by others.  Maybe.  But I recognize the work that I do and I see the importance of it.  I feel good knowing that I've done a good job.  That is kudos enough.  

But I'm not going to lie when I say it was great to hear compliments from my boss.   She thought my work was great, my interactions within the organization and my professionalism was top notch.  And I was a bit shocked at the potential she saw in me.  

So it was a really great way to end off the day and to start some time off.  Yeah....

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Chatty Cathys

I have been attacked by the Chatty Cathys lately.  I mean, I can talk.  But I have nothing on these people.  They make me look like a wallflower. 

Sometimes, I have to go a different direction or not look these people in they eye.  Not because I don't like them, but seriously, if I end up talking to them, it's not 2 minutes.  It's a full 1/2 hour despite the fact that I'm turning away, saying I have to head off to do something.  They follow me.  Then I feel really bad because I have to be rude and cut them off. 

I guess I'm not really rude because those folks keep coming back.  

Or maybe I'll just put blinders on....


Saturday, August 10, 2013

It's been a while!

Life really does happen and then everything else gets put to the side.  'Tis life!  

In a snapshot (so I can start blogging regularly from my small hiatus):

  • 1D was awesome!  Young kids learning how to perform.  Really, they were 5 kids running on stage and singing.  But it was cool.
  • Figured out I'm going to be stinking poor next year due to vacations.  I know, true first world problems.   I've confirming some trips, but I know that Croatia is a go and renting this amazing house past Whistler.  OMG.  It has its own elevator and movie theatre inside!!
  •  Other trips that I'm working on:  Barbados and wine cruise to California.  
  • Work is good.  My boss completely rocks.  Seriously rocks. 
Those are highlights.  No need to talk about lowlights.  Because really, they're still first world problems and can totally be fixed.  

Hope all is well on your end of things....