Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Ok...I have crappy little lashes.  They're short and sparse.  I've always wanted to get eyelash extensions but really, not being able to scrub my face and have the little eyelashes drop off like dead flowers was not appealing. 

So, my girlfriend introduced me to fake eyelashes.  $2 a shot.  And really, she looks SO amazing in them.  I wanted in.

Now, this girlfriend is also a co-worker.  So I watch her do her lashes in the morning and it takes her like 2 minutes.  I decided I'd go home and buy a pair and just try it.  I mean, it looks so easy.

Um.  Looks are deceiving.  The first couple of times I tried it, I honestly glued my eyes shut so many times.  It was like pink eye gone wild.  Or when I finally would get one side, the other one would be crooked or so off the mark.  

But then, I got the official lesson.  She put them on me.  But while she was getting ready to put them on me, she told me what I needed to do, tips on getting it right, how to hide the mistakes.  The funny part was that other co-workers were there sitting in on the lesson as they were trying to figure out their pair.  Seriously, these lashes have been the total talk of the office.  LOL!

So, on Saturday, I finally took the time to take in all those tips and try them on.  My husband gave me some pointers in how they looked.  And then, I finally got them right.  I have no stinking clue how long it took.  But I did it.  And seriously, why didn't someone tell me they were so life changing?!  

I look like I have eyes that open!!!  OMG.  Maybe I won't have my eyes taped up at the optometrist's office anymore.  

So thank you to my lovely friend for the life changing moment.  

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