Of course my hubby and I have fantasized about moving out of this city and to another location. Why not? This city is expensive. To think that I could live like fricken royalty and not have to work...really, who wouldn't fantasize about this type of lifestyle?
Based on the show and house assessments close to the current value of my home, they've shown a couple of locations that I would be willing to give a try. Apparently, 3/4 of the cost of my house could buy a huge villa in Spain with 16 acres of olive trees. Got potential. Heck, I could press my own olive oil.
Or, I could buy a huge mansion in Bali, with a huge pool, with a walkway to a private beach, and they even have a bathtub large enough to fit the whole family in. Not that I needed on that big. But in the event the pool and beach "bored" me, I could always lounge in the bathtub.
I never really considered Palm Dessert, but seriously, I could buy a beautiful 5,000 square foot house. Again, a pool on the side...just because.
I could go on and on about all the places this show has showcased in terms of houses and what would fit in my budget.
Until then, I'll just dream about where I could move to.....